@mohsenetaromi Iran: Women cutting their hair in protest to Mahsa (Zhina) Amini’s death, 22-y-o Kurdish woman who died on 16Sep after going into a coma in police custody, arrested over “violating” Islamic hijab rules. (@ShinD1982, @negarkardan) #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی♬ Originalton - mohsenetaromi
Protesty po śmierci Mahsy Amini - Iranki ścinają włosy
Protesty po śmierci Mahsy Amini - Iranki ścinają włosy
Protesty po śmierci Mahsy Amini - Iranki ścinają włosy
No flags. No big banners. No sponsors. No affiliation. No violence. No public property loss. Women & men, all in sync, in a massive massive crowd. This is Iran and this is how a actual protest looks like against the oppressive ruling. #IranProtestspic.twitter.com/woqLwGX5z8
Protesty po śmierci Mahsy Amini - Iranki ścinają włosy
Iranki ścinają włosy na znak protestu
This video brought tears to my eyes. Women & men burning compulsory hijab in the streets of Tehran where #MahsaAmini was beaten up to death by hijab police. The woman who took the video says; our dream comes true Finally we are burning the symbol of our oppression in the street. pic.twitter.com/P9WYBixKw4