Selena Gomez Revival #REVIVALStories


Autor: Selena Gomez Revival #REVIVALStories

Selena Gomez: REVIVAL rządzi na Instagramie! "Pokaż mi swoją metamorfozę" - namawia fanów Selena! O co chodzi?

2015-10-13 1:00

Revival - nowa płyta Seleny Gomez rządzi na Instagramie! "Pokaż mi swoją metamorfozę i stań się częścią projektu Revival" - zachęca fanów Selena Gomez!

Revival - nowa płyta Seleny Gomez rządzi na Instagramie! "Pokaż mi swoją metamorfozę i stań się częścią projektu Revival" - zachęca fanów Selena Gomez!

Nowa płyta Seleny Gomez REVIVAL rządzi na Instagramie! 9.10.2015 ukazał się nowy album Seleny Gomez, na którym piosenkarka pokazuje swoje nowe wcielenie. Selena Gomezna płycie Revival nie jest już nastoletnią gwiazdką Disneya, tylko świadomą siebie artystką i kobietą. W wywiadzie dla Flare piosenkarka przyznała, że podczas nagrywania płyty Revival Selena Gomez przeszła prawdziwą metamorfozę, dzięki czemu na płycie słyszymy nową, "odrodzoną" Selenę Gomez.

Ale wydanie nowej płyty to nie koniec! "Ten album pokazuje moją metamorfozę i jestem bardzo szczęśliwa, że mogę się nią z wami podzielić. Teraz Wasza kolej! Użyjcie hasztagu #REVIVALStories na Instagramie i stańcie się częścią projektu. Na jednego z Was czeka wyjątkowa niespodzianka...zachęcaswoich fanów na Instagramie Selena Gomez.

Na Instagramie oczywiście od razu zaroiło się od fotek i filmików pokazujących metamorfozy fanów Seleny Gomez z hasztagiem #REVIVALStories. Zobaczcie, jak na hasło Seleny Gomez "Revival" zareagowali jej fani na całym świecie! :) A może Wy też zechcecie dołączyć do akcji Seleny Gomez "Revival" i weźmiecie udział w konkursie o nagrodę niespodziankę? :) Brzmi kusząco, prawda? :D

I'm for sure going to delete this afterwards. But there is this #REVIVALStories thing happening so I wanted to share my story I guess??. I feel super embarrassed for posting this but hey, we all feel that way one way or another. Revival has a different meaning to everyone. And I'm not sure if I reached mine yet honestly. Growing up I didn't have many friends, I really didn't have any. Until I moved that is. Before I moved I was always picked on/ bullied on. I know many people have struggled with this problem, yet also many haven't. Being bullied obviously isn't a good feeling. Through out my school years I have realized I've never gone a year with out being bullied ( I'm also counting kindergarten.) which makes me so upset. But in away I'm grateful. Grateful that I haven't had worse. I'm sure not starving and skin and bones because I used to be bullied for being to "fat". I don't have people beating me up and going home to no one. As I was growing up I always looked on the bright side, that is until I just couldn't anymore. Keeping stuff down and not telling anyone won't help. And I've learned that. I've been diagnosed with severe depression, something that no one knows about me. I'm always happy and giggly. But I do that for a reason. I don't want to burden someone who has it WAY worse than me. On top of that I also have sever anxiety due to that I missed a lot of school last year and the years before. Everyone would make jokes about me not being there and I know that is NOT bullying but it still hurt. Like I wasn't staying home and watching Netflix. I was having severe panic attacks. Being pretty and beautiful was such a huge obsession to me once in my life. Also my weight. I'd try to wear makeup but I'd just break out in pimples and look worse. I had to learn that pimples don't matter, they are one everyone! If someone doesn't have them, well that's ONE person. Look at all of the people they all at least have one pimple. I've lost all of my so called best friends. But I've made peace with them and the whole situation. Not everyone is suppose to stay in your life. I know as I get older I'll find someone. This isn't even half of my storyLove yourself Film zamieszczony przez użytkownika Jasmyne Neha ॐ (@jasmyne_patel)
I usually don't enter these contests, but this one has meaning...Hey Selena. My name is Dakota, I'm from Scottsdale AZ and this is one of my revival stories. I'll start it off with, everyone in life is going to face a problem. It may be everyday or it may be every once in awhile. Just recently, I had a bad bmx crash that left me with 6 fractures on the right side of my face, and a dislocated cheek bone that broke through my jaw bone. I had to get reconstructive facial surgery and was told that if I had hit just a tad bit higher, I would have died. It almost made me want to not get on my bike again. I almost lost it all, just because I was being careless one night. This wouldn't be the first time though. I've had several surgeries because of bmx and I still get right back on and try again. Bmx is what gave me the confidence to not be shy and always try my best in life. Giving up is not an option for me until im ready to give up. What revival means to me is to to revive yourself. Overcome fears and bad habits that brought you to shelter yourself. It's almost like a new beginning, we know what we want in life, and you have to be confident in yourself to achieve it. Revival is 110% trust in yourself that you're ready for a better future. After taking a break to heal, I've decided to take the proper adjustments of wearing a helmet and just to think about safety all together, that's how I can succeed. My revival is to overcome something that destroyed me and over pass it with success. @selenagomez #REVIVALStories #revival #2015 #recovery #bmx #REVIVALStories @selenagomez #selenatoday #selenagomez @instagram Film zamieszczony przez użytkownika Dakota Bratt (@dakotabratt)
Diagnosed with a little bit of insulin resistance as of today. For those who don't know what insulin resistance is, it means that the cells in my body aren't detecting the insulin already in bloodstream, which then causes the pancreas to pump out more insulin in order for the cells to react. Excess insulin is then left lingering which the body has to still deal with and when it brings the insulin down it happens as a pretty rapid drop in body. The speed of this drop is what leaves me with very uncomfortable symptoms. I was walking around like a zombie with brain fog for almost half a year now. Every time I would eat I would feel confused, lack of concentration, headaches, etc for up to two hours almost after every meal. Everyone's sensitivity to things is different, and that just happens to be the way my body reacted. I'm genetically at risk for diabetes, so I have to really watch it. Ironic right? Despite how clean I eat, and how much I exercise, my pancreas still decided to act up a little. Basically I have to take it easy, and keep eating a clean, steady diet to stabilize. Before people put their two cents in and comment on what they don't know, YES I have lost a lot of muscle/stored fat due to the circumstances. Shit happens. You try working out with dizziness and lack of concentration every day which I still managed until I decided I needed a break. You try keeping up with all your meals while having to make last minute trips for doctor visits out of town to stay at someone else's house for multiple days multiple times where you have to eat what you can. You try keeping your appetite knowing you're going to feel like shit shortly after eating for up to two hours each time. And by the time you regain a clear mind it's basically time to eat & feel shitty all over again. I'm not waving a white flag or anything, noooo far from that. For everything lost is something gained, and the amount of knowledge I have gained over this area I work in is fantastic. Those who know me know I like a challenge. Nothing great is easy, and I know in the future I will be looking back on 2015 (the harshest year for me from the get go) and realize how it made me wiser and stronger. Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Dennise Sarahi (@denni_sar)